Fact about human thinking - Jersyno8 Social


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Fact about human thinking

Welcome everyone!
Fact about thinking,
 In daily life routine we are think lots of thing about any topic. According to research say that a human beings spend most of time in thinking .
 The whole concept of thinking is around mind.Whatever we see,hear,do we start think about it. But thinking is good as well as bad also.
1) why good ?
 Thinking involve reading of all thing that happens around as what ever it is,think about any thing provide us information.
Thinking about any thing Force to do that thing that we want to do e.g. if any sport person think about his failures then he Force himself to correct that problem for success. Thinking motivate us to do something.Thinking is only one thing that we can without help of anyone.
So if thinking motivate or Force us to do something for success then it's good.
2)why bad?
There is opposite reason for why thinking is not good .Think about anything that we doing or do in future is not so good, very thinking about result or success or unsuccess in that field will demotivate us.
At this time we compare ourself with other that demotivate us.So if thinking so much demotivate us then thinking is not good.
Thank you for reading!

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