How to increase YouTube watch time - Jersyno8 Social


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How to increase YouTube watch time

Hello friends I am back with my in post.In this post I am going to tell you about how to increase YouTube watch time without spend money. As you all knows that recently YouTube announced new rules for YouTube videos monetization. According to these rules to enable Monetization on your channel you must have 1000 suscriber and 4000 hours watch time on your channel. YouTube announced these new rules for monetization to remove some channels who gain fake watch time to make money from YouTube. If you don't use any tricks to gain watch time then you don't panic. In this post I am going to share some advice with you how to gain watch time. It's not difficult to gain 1000 suscriber but it's quite difficult to gain 4000 hour watch time. So my advice to gain watch time is you have to make longer videos about 6 minutes long or more. If you makes long video then it's easy to gain watch time.Its not enough to gain watch time by making longer videos.Its difficult to hold viewers on your video. If people do not watch your full video then it's difficult to gain watch time.There is some tricks to hold viewers on your videos and watch full video till the end. From research it's found that in 60 seconds people's makes decision to watch full videos or not. So to hold people's on your video you need to makes videos 60 seconds interesting and entertaining so people's watch your full Videos and it's help you to gain your watch time fastly. Mostly people's on YouTube watch suggested videos.Youtube suggest videos for people's according to there interest .So if your video get suggested then it easy to gain watch time more fastly but question is how your video get suggested. So to bring your video in suggestion list you have to make a title of your video similar to whatever is trending on YouTube and you have to fill you description box about 250 words about what your video about. You can also put the links of your previous videos. In last you have to give some tags to your videos , if your video have more tags then there is more chance that your videos get suggested. But tags should related to your video topic. There is various apps on playstore which provides you tags according to your topics. Last but most important to gain watch time fastly try to make videos about topic trending on social media.It get seem that most of YouTuber make full use of trending topic to monetize channel.
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